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What is Fiscal Sponsorship

What is it

Fiscal sponsorship is a powerful tool. It unlocks the ability for sponsored partners like yours to raise tax-deductible donations and apply for grants, host events and fundraisers, while minimizing overhead costs, ensuring IRS compliance and leveraging our experienced infrastructure. This allows you to focus on what matters most - making a difference through your mission-driven programs!  RELIEF serves individuals, small and large corporations, philanthropists, and any group wanting to white label their non-profit or foundation through RELIEF.​


Benefits & Services

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Receive tax-deductible donations & eligibility for grants through ACH, credit card, paypal, venmo

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Legal formation, IRS 501(c)(3) status, insurances

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Staff, board, team of experts, and network of additional service providers

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Utilize sales tax exemption in all states

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Invoice & reimbursement payments

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Custom tax-receipt to donors with your logo

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Dedicated dba checking account with view-only access

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Rapid response fundraising with quick need for fiscal sponsor (i.e. GoFundMe)

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Other services as needed through our network (i.e. legal, consulting marketing, etc.) 

Wide Range

Serving a Wide Range of Needs

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Individual Difference Makers

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Collective & Collaborations

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Athletes & Celebrities

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For-Profit Businesses

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  • What are the fees for fiscal sponsorship?
    Typical fiscal sponsorship fees range between 7-10% of donations. RELIEF has a competitive rate of 6%. Studies have been done that found organizations operating below $2M in donations spent on average 20% of revenue on the same back office support!
  • I have an existing non-profit. Can I still use a fiscal sponsor?
    Absolutely. Many organizations with the 501(c)(3) status take advantage of a fiscal sponsorship program because of all the cost effective services it provides enabling the organization to focus on their mission.
  • Why pay a fiscal sponsor when I can get my own 501(c)(3)?
    Many sponsored projects find a sponsor as they have begun the application process to the IRS for the 501(c)(3) status. Because this can take anywhere from 6 months to a year and cost thousands of dollars in legal fees, it could be necessary to find a sponsor to "test" out the idea before committing or you need to get started immediately and don't want to lose the time. Most sponsored projects just don't want the administrative headache of running a nonprofit like having a board, back office needs, accounting and tax returns, IRS compliance and auditing. These costs can easily exceed the cost of your sponsorship fee!
  • Will donors be comfortable or hesitant with the fiscal sponsorship program?
    The funding community has embraced fiscal sponsorship as a means of effectively and sustainably supporting those launching programs and campaign!
  • Will I have access to funds and ability to pay for things and operate?
    Nope. RELIEF Foundation acts as a quality fiscal sponsor, ensuring financial health while allowing organizations the independence to maintain smooth operations. We provide crucial support to keep you out of financial trouble, maintain financial integrity, and ensure your mission thrives.
  • Will I still retain control of the mission and decisions?
    Fiscal sponsors are co-managers behind the scenes, handling administrative and financial tasks. However, they do not interfere with your organization's public image, branding, donor relationships, and strategic decision-making, allowing you to maintain independence in vision, mission, and organizational development.
  • How do I get started?
    You would start the process by filling out our application (click here) and we will follow up with you to schedule an introductory phone call!
  • What is the duration of the fiscal sponsorship contract?
    RELIEF Foundation does not have a time set on our fiscal sponsorship contract. However our contracts do require a 60-day mutual notice clause.

40 W. Evergreen Ave.  |  Suite 101

Philadelphia, PA 19118


p. 215.350.8362

© 2024 The Relief Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

EIN 27-2204538

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